Envisioning your own potential video part is an intrepid exercise. It's easy to see that grand potential in a completely idyllic world. However, it may leave out fundamental relationships that build the video as a whole.
As the director, Bryden Bowley brings it back to reality by illustrating the camaraderie between Dylan, Miles, Caleb, Justin, Denver, and Keegan as they ride their highest moments together. Yet, he also points his camera at the painful ones—those less desired moments that glue a crew together. The combination of these emotions allows the film to be genuine to its characters, and story. So in the end, you can dream all you want, but life comes with twists you can't predict. All you can do is maneuver through them together.
This is “how dark blue feels”...
A film by Bryden Bowley
Featuring: Miles Fallon, Dylan Okurowski, Keegan Hosefros, Denver Orr, Luke Lund, Caleb Kinnear, and Justin Phipps
Supported by: Quiksilver, Ride, Sessions, Airblaster, and Lib-Tech

All Photography by: Bryden Bowley