There are no speed limits on the road to success. Another week, let's get into it.

Torment Weather Report: Hurricane Beryl, the historic hurricane we harped on in the last TTN, is still very much in play if you live around southeast Texas. 75+ mph winds and flash flooding knocked down trees and power lines along the Texas coast last week, and roughly 250,000 CenterPoint Energy customers are still without power.
CenterPoint Energy is the Houston-area utility that provides power for more than 2.8 million customers across Texas, and those affected are starting to lose patience. “It's very hot, and it's very boring,” said Victor, Piñón’s 12-year-old son, who wishes he were playing Call of Duty and Minecraft with his buddies. “There’s nothing to do, you just have to sit there.”
It's Salomon week up on the glacier, and three Airbnb's worth of support are lapping Palmer until Friday. If you're up there, 95% chance you'll run into someone on a Hillside series, and that probability reminded us of a similar team retreat they did in Hokkaido last winter. Rizumu with Wolle Nyvelt, Takaharu Nakai, Louif Paradis, and Luke Lund.
If you're anything like us though, you don't know what day of the week it is and won't be at Hood from the 14th-20th. Still, good on you for keeping up with snowboarding during the summer, so continue to read away that FOMO with 15% off any magazine/accesory in the shop (shutupandread @ checkout).

Long overdue, but we finally checked in with The North Face crew about their upcoming project for this fall. Something's cooking with Blake Paul, Spencer Schubert, Kennedi Deck, Austin Smith, Bogs, Jake Blauvelt, and Cole Navin. Icing on the cake...Colton Feldman's behind the lens.
Here's a glimpse into their winter overseas.
Andy Macdonald, a 50-year skateboarder whose father hails from Britain, is going to the 2024 Paris Olympics to compete in the park event later this month. It's inspiring to see anyone over the age of 50 engaging in board sports (let alone competing at the highest level), so it's worth reading his NYT interview to better wrap your head around this anomaly.
So are you going to try to qualify for Los Angeles in 2028?
Ask me after Paris. If they were to add vert skating for L.A. — I would hope they have they sense to do that. If they do, maybe I’ll be there riding for Team 55 and Up.

Genius play from Snowboarder Mag back in the day. Been a minute since any of those have been in circulation (kudos if you still have one), but the photo reminded us that there's still words to be read on their site.
An off-season check in with Cannon Cummins + a talk with Patrick McCarthy about Solstice summer camp.
Instagram Clip of the Week: The Mt. Hood mountain goat strikes again.