Pink Dollar Possy’s “Out At Sea”

The Possy heads to the open ocean for their second full length film. Shiver me timbers!

Pink Dollar Possy’s “Out At Sea”

The Possy heads to the open ocean for their second full length film. Shiver me timbers!

November 29, 2022
Words By Torment Staff Full-Length

It doesn't happen overnight, but Pink Dollar Possy is making sure queer representation in snowboarding is making its way to the center stage at a rate we can all get behind. Their second street movie takes us out to sea, a lawless land where the Possy is perfectly at home. No rules, just an unapologetic crew dynamic that is surely complimented by the riding. Enjoy.

Featuring: J. DeForge, Alexis Roland, Devi Gupta, Elias Lamm and Casey Pflipsen.

With allyship appearances from: Colin Maynard, Ari Moore & Nolan Quinn.

Filmed By: Spencer Nelson Casey Pflipsen Elias Lamm Dan Panaway

Additional Filming: J. DeForge Josh Tranby Kevin Gilespie Steve Lauder Ryan Quinn Nolan Quinn Daniel Dabazar

Creative Director & Editor: Elias Lamm