There was no project planned for 2019 but mid january we figured it was time to start film. Andreas had too much work to do, but Krish got to lend the camera. Later Markus bought his own. Haakon had a car. More homies joined. It became our fourth street flick.
Filmed in Oslo and Trondheim, january - march 2019.
Kristoffer Lerånd
Markus Rustad
Haakon Eilertsen
Samuel Ærø
Martin Henriksen
Jørgen Formo
Andreas Grong
Filmed by all the above, and:
Amin Klungseth
Martin Strøm
Fredrik Perry
Jeff Holce
Håkon Haslum
Drawings by
Tyler Metzger
Edited by
Markus Rustad.