HAND OVER FIST, presented by Adidas Terrex, puts up a serious racket as Nik, Jare, Tommy, and Jed go full-throttle from the backcountry to the streets. Just the fact that backcountry footage of Jed and Tommy exists should absolutely entice you smash play. It’s like seeing a rare animal in the wild—and they deliver. Directed by Tyler Orton, the film brings up the energy, it’s to the punch, loud, and in your face, only to be capped with Nik and Jare’s now infamous Pyramid session. We asked the crew a few questions in line with the film. So sit back, watch, and then read up on a few thoughts.
Starring: Nike Baden, Jared Elston, Jed Anderson, and Tommy Gesme
Directed by: Tyler Orton Starring Nike Baden, Jared Elston, Jed Anderson, and Tommy GesmeFilmed by: Tyler Orton
Produced by: Tyler Orton & Subjekt Objekt
Additional Filming by: Jeremy Thornburg

Now that the movie is out, who had the best clip in the vid?
Jare: Tommy backflip.
Nik: I like Jared’s cab nine. And Jeddy’s back five Tyler follow.
Jed: Pyramid session is bucky.
Tommy: Pyramid gap session. I really wish I could have witnessed it in person.

Favorite feeling you had riding away from a trick last winter?
Jared: Pyramid was one I’ll never forget
Jed: Honestly, anything into powder.
Tommy: Wasn’t myself riding away from a trick, but Spencer's Denver session was really something special to witness and be a part of. That was nuts haha.

Are we ever gonna see more backcountry Jed anytime soon?
Jed: Yessuh.
Best and worst part of filming in general last winter for any of your projects?
Jed: The best part was being outdoors and hanging with my friends. Worst was trying to find snow and stressing about clips hah.

Tommy, How does your shin feel after that hawaii trip?
Shin is actually okay, luckily my hip broke my fall. Couple flesh wounds, hoping to hit another stunt soon.
Who out of the crew is most likely to become a cop after their snowboard career is done?
Jare: Jesus hahaha.
Nik: Is Beach part of the crew?
Can someone elaborate how Nik’s sled ended up ragdolling down the highway?
Jare: Nik’s sled was not locked down tight enough and after a day of bumpy driving the superclamp decided to give up. HIs sled kickflipped off of my sled deck going 70 around a corner.
Nik: Whoops.
How was it trying to get to Logan UT?
Jare: That was the biggest fuckshow ever, I can’t believe we actually didn't give up. First night was a 2-hour drive into the sketchiest Airbnb we’d ever seen which we had to bail on back to SLC, and then next day heading back we dumped Niks sled off my truck.
What was the weirdest thing that happened in McCall?
Nik: We drove to a hot spring, walked on this snow trail, as we approached we noticed it was full of women that were getting out. They walked by us as we patiently waited and when we got to the tub there was a Santa looking man with a crusty walking stick who said he would be back in sec. We got in and soon enough he was back introducing himself and asked if we had gone to war. His name was Roberts, he was full Irish, and when we left he asked us to write our names and numbers in his notebook that was floating in the water in a tupperware container, soaked and also housing his phone. Two nights later we checked out what the local drinks tasted like and it was karaoke night. Couple hours in, Roberts walks in and signs up for three songs back to back to back. Ian still texts with him.

What was backcountry Tom like?
Jare: Perfect.
Nik: Mean, clean, and composed.
How accurate was Harrison’s write up on the Pyramid Gap?
Jare: I think he pretty much nailed it
Nik: I liked it a lot :) thanks Harrison

What is next for each of you this winter?
Jare: Brown, duh.
Nik: Cody Warble footage.
Jed: Just to keep filming, try to get in the air more.
Tommy: Film another Video!