A Look Into Mike Liddle’s Iconic Frontboard from Issue FIVE

A presumably cold morning in the Midwest turned into one hell of a frontboard. Raw files from Mike Liddle as he “doubles down”.

A Look Into Mike Liddle’s Iconic Frontboard from Issue FIVE

A presumably cold morning in the Midwest turned into one hell of a frontboard. Raw files from Mike Liddle as he “doubles down”.

August 07, 2023
Words By Torment Staff Edits

It's been a big year for Mike, and the below photo from Issue FIVE seems to encapsulate just how fruitful his season was. That's not to say preceding seasons haven't amounted to the same level of WTF moments, but between his battle against Luke Winklemann in the 2022 Game of Big Snow, a video part in SUM SH*T that awarded him Men's Video Part of the Year, and standout showings at countless events, it's clear he was up to some shit (full pun intended). In the case of commending Mike, Stephen Jade's picture is worth a thousand words.

All puns aside, he's been making his mark in the Midwest for over a decade now, and his tenured career in the streets transcends any accolades aforementioned. It almost easier to relay the fact through video, and his latest B-SIDE edit does just that. Enjoy as a Subaru tow-in goes from a 50 warmup to a hefty nosepress, and eventually one awe-inspiring frontboard.

Watch Impaler Mag's B-SIDE Compilation Here

Photo: Stephen Jade