Circa 2020: A Few Days in Montreal with the Dustbox

Colton Morgan kept the camera rolling in Montreal as the Dustbox filmed for “I Wanted Most.” 3 years later, the footage gets resurrected.

Circa 2020: A Few Days in Montreal with the Dustbox

Colton Morgan kept the camera rolling in Montreal as the Dustbox filmed for “I Wanted Most.” 3 years later, the footage gets resurrected.

August 30, 2023
Words By Torment Staff Edits

2020 seems like forever ago, and frankly were happy to have it in the rearview. Hate to harp on the pandemic, but there was something special about that winter leading up to the lockdown. For the Dustbox, it's seems like things fell into place right before everything, well, did the opposite. They spent 50+ days on the road and drove nearly 10,000 miles across North America into Canada, landing them in Montreal for some last minute clips before stay-at-home orders sent them back. A lot of moving parts for a crew that, at the time, was pretty new to filming video projects.

So, with a dozen or so on the road for the whole winter, it goes without saying that clips are not the only thing being captured. That ender clip is always offset by a healthy amount of down time—looking for spots, eating food, chilling at the Airbnb...the list goes on. Hard to conceptualize this interim when all you see is the finished product, but luckily Colton Morgan kept the camera rolling while in Montreal. Now, 3 years after the making of i wanted most, there's an opportunity to take a deeper dive into the video that truly put the Box on the map.

Featuring: Dan McGonagle, Reid Smith, Robby Meehan, Cooper Whittier, Jonas Harris, Cody Warble, Peter Cerulo, and Noah Peterson

Read About Dustbox's 2021 Winter Here