DirtyPimp Presents “Originality”

DirtyPimp’s 13 now. They’re teenagers.

DirtyPimp Presents “Originality”

DirtyPimp’s 13 now. They’re teenagers.

December 27, 2022
Words By Torment Staff Full-Length

Not many crews can make it past 4 movies, much less the double digits. At that point, burnout might as well be a given, but the DirtyPimp reign continues with their 13th film. We speculated how...maybe it's the way Masato Toda's opener sets the tone, or maybe it's their tried and true appreciation for American rap and spliffs, still hard to tell. But, after Google translating their YouTube caption, it's clear their secret to longevity lies in plain site—the title. Their originality, both on and off the board, that's keeps the fire burning.

Here's to 2023 and beyond.

"どこからインスピレーションを得ているのか、それは経験からなのか仲間からなのか それとも色んな事に興味がある人からなのか 色んなライダーを視てきてるけど、この作品に出演してくれてるライダー達は、ORIGINALが強く 誰を観ても楽しいし、カッコイイとも可愛いとも想うし、好きです!!!!!! 興味がないと態度に出てるって皆んなに教えてもらったので その強弱はあるかもだけど、この作品を創れている事を誇りに想います。 俺がLowの時に助けてくれてThanks. 2023から新しい事もしていくので、同じ感覚なら一緒に遊びながらやりましょう。"

Starring: Ryoki Ogawa, Masato Toda, Shunshi Komeno, Toui Suzuki, Karin Onozaki, Himari Takamori, Yuya Akada, Taku Hiraoka, Junna Asaya, and Hayato Nagasawa

Filmed & Edited by: Yutaro Hirakami

Tags: DirtyPimp