One more week and we would've gone crazy awaiting Impaler Mag's full length video set to drop next month. Thankfully some riding from Jibgurl, Lauren Derminio, Skiba, and the rest of Troll will hold us over.
Side note: If this was filmed over the first 4 days of Valhalla, we can only imagine what's to come next.
Featuring: Jibgurl, Sierra Forcheimmer, Lauren Derminio, Sophia Zhinchkina, Egan Wint, Keegan Tank, Ethan Deiss, Calvin Green, Ben McCabe, Jake Antisdel, Mike Skiba, Tanner Seymour, Waylon Hastings, Nixon Johnson, Kevin Gillespie, Jamal Awadallah, Pete Croasdale, Jonas Bodovinitz, and Andy Pearson
Filmed & Edited By: Chris Duncan