Like clockwork, the week has flown by and we find ourselves reading yet another Torment Tuesday News. The happenings from the past seven days gives us more than enough content to overcompensate for the dwindling snowpack. In other words, the fact that the first annual Ojofest just went down, DOPE Industries is dropping a line of pro models, and Club Sandwhich Studio just released an Arthur Longo book is keeping us sane until the annual trek to our favorite glacier.

John Jackson's season was spent filming for Sim's QUASIMODO. His POV shots gave us a whole new respect for his riding— if this isn't the incentive you needed to transition into the backcountry, then we don't know what is.

There's a reason Montreal was Dillon's city. The culture there seems to be bursting at the seams in the same way that his personality did. This weekend gave us a a special opportunity to experience the friends, music, and lifestyle that shaped Dillon into the unique soul that he is. If you missed the event, check out the photo gallery here.
Dillon's pro model for next year. About time.

Three years of poetic release has led Mike Rav to release his poetry book, Spiraling Infinity. A cool way to experience the thoughts and drawings from Rav's mind. Check out the gram here.
The Queer Park Takeover is happening this Sunday, April 3rd at the Skibowl Rope Tow Park. Hours have been changed to 11-3pm, with a tailgate immediately after. If you're in Mt. Hood, or even the state for that matter, we encourage you to go support snowboarding.