Torment Tuesday News #100

100 of these down. This week we talk Summer solstice, Mammoth Mountain closing day, and Trollhaugen Parks.

Torment Tuesday News #100

100 of these down. This week we talk Summer solstice, Mammoth Mountain closing day, and Trollhaugen Parks.

June 25, 2024
Words By Your Favorite Craft Beer TTN

The longest day of the year is now behind us, and so is the past week in snowboarding. Let's get into it.

Torment Weather Report: Scientists have found a new 'tipping point' for the Antarctic ice sheet, leading many to believe that the projections of sea level rise might have been significantly underestimated.

"Warm ocean water is seeping beneath the ice sheet at its 'grounding line' — the point at which the ice rises from the seabed and starts to float — causing accelerated melting which could lead to a tipping point..." Still don't get the gist of a tipping point? It's basically the threshold that pushes a system beyond the point of no return.

Mt. Hood's snowpack dwindles by the year, but you can't say the same about their Summer solstice party. A heavy attendance at Illumination Rock to celebrate the North Pole's tilt toward the Sun...all is well that ends at the twilight hip session.

Some of our favorite clips from the day:
- Spencer Schubert, Krugs, and Simon Pircher
- Sam Klein

Photo: Shaun White

You get a snowboard, you get a snowboard, you get a snowboard! Shaun White took a page out of Oprah's book and started off the Whitespace Signature Session™ in generous fashion.

Cool to see Brendan Sullivan open the High Cascade Session 1 recap video, too. Even cooler to see what he's getting up to in the forest once Palmer closes.

Only logical thing to do after watching the first HCSC 2024 session recap was to teleport back to the Meyer era. If you close your eyes, it's almost like this wasn't 15 years ago. Summer camp can change, but memories are forever and this shit will hit every time.

On the topic of Meyer, we're excited to see the new VG video set to drop this fall. A lot of the crew probably grew up on Meyer's edits, so the full circle moment is among us. In the meantime, you can watch the best teaser of all time? Louif's money in the hair shot. Epic.

Photo: Trollhaugen

The Trollhaugen Troll said it best: MySpace > TikTok. Their latest Instagram reminded us of simpler times when your best friends were capped at 8. Their Myspace profile is somehow still (semi)accessible, but we can't help wondering what all the broken media would reveal...

OG Troll content threw us for a loop, and we ended up revisiting a few days of amazing spring riding, BBQ'ing, lounging and all around good times. Terror at Troll with some loyal ghouls.

Instagram Clip of the Week: Rock ASMR with Casey Mitchell.