"Snowboarding is a sacred journey between human, board, and nature. Video parts are an extension of that, and the really good ones will make you feel a little something. Hard to explain exactly what that feels like, but when the attitude and love for what they're doing shows, it makes me want to get out there and rip. I got love for all shredders, and the ones that don't take shit and just snowboard I tend to like the most. To that end, these riders have put in the time and effort to make the best videos we have seen so far, and make snowboarding as a whole look great. It seems like they all love snowboarding and these parts show that the most to me.
There is no first or fifth in this list. I love them all equally and watch them frequently." — Nik

Terje Håkonsen - Subjekt Haakonsen (1996)
Dave Seone and Terje. Obviously amazing. Terje hits a couple cliffs that are loose and he also does every trick. The snowboarding in this is unlike any other. Perfect the whole way through, sketchy and goes big.
Keegan Valaika - Absinthe Films' Eversince (2015)
Keegan is definitely one of my favorite people to watch. In this video part he goes ham and rides the best snow. I love how he is snorkeling in some Japan powder, and then riding street shit beautifully. Nobody will ever look as good as he does shredding, and the way he goes fast into rails and in the backcountry shows big in this. GOAT.
Tommy Gesme - Videograss's Videogracias (2015)
SHE ALL ABOUT HER SHMONEY!! Very influential, everyone wants to be like this.
Wyatt Stasinos - Givin's Too (2012)
I've never met Wyatt, but it seems like riding with him must be jaw dropping. He's wearing a huge hat, riding great snow, hitting cool jumps, and riding big lines. He's smiling in every lifey and bounces like a happy ball of joy down the mountain! There is a lot of Mt. Baker footage so I think that gets me fired up too... Stasinos brothers are legends!!!
John Jackson - Standard Films' Draw the Line (2006)
I really remember this because Chas Guldemond showed me it on a huge TV screen, and was revving it up the whole time. Great pow clips then heli follows on a jump in Whistler (I think where John is wearing baggy ass Planet Earth clothes, so tight). John J is out of his mind.