Photos by: Eirik Ballo
"Ah, videos… Since the dawn of 10-year-old Fredrik, videos and video parts have been subject to hours and hours of views from his eyeballs, and hours and hours of listening from his earballs. Below is an eclectic mix of some of his favorite video parts of all time. Could these parts have inspired some of the elements we can find in Fred's riding? Did he have his hands down his pants the entire time watching these videos? Is he referring to himself in third person while writing this intro? Maybe."
— Fredrik Douglas Perry

Chad Otterstrom - Video Gangs (2003)
For some reason this was the first one I thought of. Always enjoyed watching Chad O. Such good style. A really fun part, and the pipe clips are some of my favorite clips ever.
Travis Parker - Robot Foods' Lame (2003)
My all time favorite rider, with a silly goofball part + some incredible riding. Song hits forever. Hard to choose between this one and his part in Afterbang, but I think this one has got more of a fun feeling to it :).
Jonas Michilot - Transworld Snowboardings' These Days (2008)
Jonas' Part: 16:43
Watched this so many times. It came out when my Jonas phase was peaking, and I was really into this style and music. His riding is the dopest. Some bonus Jedmon clippies are cool too. Jonas is the king.
JP Walker - MDP's The Resistance (2000)
My first snowboard video I owned on VHS. Watched it so fucking much. My homies and I would pretend to be JP. His lil kiss his fingers move hahaha. It's so good. Method Man & Redman. I mean come on.. <33333
Dillon Ojo - Deja Vu's Encore (2016)
So much attitude, so much stee, so gnarly, heavy song, heavy spots, heavy slams. Just perfect to watch to get hyped up to go mini shred. Dildo <3.