Ride Snowboards’ “SINCERELY YOURS” | Teaser

Ride Snowboard’s European team traveled to Sweden, France, and everywhere in between for a full feature film coming out mid December.

Ride Snowboards’ “SINCERELY YOURS” | Teaser

Ride Snowboard’s European team traveled to Sweden, France, and everywhere in between for a full feature film coming out mid December.

September 20, 2022
Words By Torment Staff Edits

"We are happy to present you the teaser of our full movie filmed with our European team! In this project we went to meet our local heroes at their home to discover their vision and where their passion for snowboarding comes from."

During the winter of 2021-2022 we traveled in Europe, between the Alps, France, Switzerland, Austria and Scandinavia, Finland and Norway with Severin Van Der Meer, Mikko Rehnberg, Kristian Skjømming, Samuel Ærø, Louis Labertrande, Pierre Scafidi, Sara Säkkinen, Rasmus Rönkä, Maria Hilde, Jonathan Begley, Dario Burch, Nicolas Palladio, Thomas Enk, Wouter Groot, Bastien Sturma, and Philipp Hechenberger.

Full movie droping online December 13.


Show us your creativity: cut, tear, glue, paint, draw the different photos of the journal to make your piece of art, a frame or anything that inspires you! Post your creation on your Instagram with @ridesnowboards #SincerelyYoursJournal and try to win a complete setup: board, boots and bindings! We will choose 1 winner per month from all participants! Announcement of the first winner on January 5, 2023! The contest ends April 4, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

PS: Go to the premiere to get a free Sincerely Yours newspaper! If you can't attend but still want to participate you can always create a visual with the Ride products you find in your favorite magazines!

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