I feel we are little pieces of our own icons. Melissa's list reflects herself in many ways, whether it be Erin Comstock's style, Benedek's intelligence, or Jess' tenacity, there are glimmers of those characteristics within Melissa. She also makes it clear how important female representation is—herself now being a a successful example of that. A well rounded list for your Monday viewing pleasure.

Erin Comstock – La La Land (2007)
The whole movie was so important to my growing up and snowboarding. This is a movie I would play over and over. My mom would usually wake up to the DVD menu music and me asleep on the couch. This video showed me what was possible for women's snowboarding at the time. Victoria Jealouse was riding big mountain, Erin Comstock in the streets and backcountry, Des in the streets, Leanne riding the streets and backcountry, and so many amazing boarders in this one. Erin’s part was always a big stand out to me in this one. It’s so inspiring to watch guys snowboard, but there is something about watching other women get out there and tear it up that is so personally empowering.
David Benedek – Robot Food's Afterbang (2002)
All of these movies really elevated my love of snowboarding. The music, vibe, and riding all embodied what snowboarding meant to me and still means to me today. In particular, David Benedek, because I’ve always been a huge fan of his style and how he was constantly innovating.
Chris Beresford – Suzy Greenberg 270 (2018)
And really just everything else he’s done. I am a little biased of course, but he is a person and snowboarder I really look up to. I love his constant creativity, always being able to make something out of nothing. He literally makes snowboarding on a curb look fun, which is a rare gift and I admire that so much! There are times I get stumped while out filming and think to myself, what would Chris do right now? It would definitely be something fun and creative. Truly an ATV, he can ride it all, so much board control and style, that’s all what I aspire to.
Jeremy Jones – 91 Words for Snow (2005)
Just hearing that iconic voice would get me excited to snowboard. He made riding the whole mountain so interesting to me and really inspired me to see what was outside of the park. Growing up in Montana we had access to so much amazing terrain. I remember boarding around with my friends at Big Sky and Moonlight Basin thinking we were on some grand adventures like Jeremy.
Jess Kimura – Think Thank's Right Brain, Left Brain (2010)
This part was mind blowing when it came out! I’d never seen a chick really going for it the way she did. She has always been a powerhouse and just rode everything in sight, and this part was no exception. She really puts her heart into everything she does to this day. The way she elevates other women is incredible. :)