Jibbing With Jeremy Jones (2005)

9 years later, and the trick tips still hold true. A walk down memory lane with Jeremy Jones’ solo project from Mack Dawg Productions.

Jibbing With Jeremy Jones (2005)

9 years later, and the trick tips still hold true. A walk down memory lane with Jeremy Jones’ solo project from Mack Dawg Productions.

May 29, 2024
Words By Torment Staff Individual Parts

There's something about the early 2000's snowboard scene that'll surely tickle any nostalgic bone in your body. Snowboarding was still in its relative infancy, and looking back on it all, we can't help but long for the days when backside boardslides and switch 5-0's were the norm. Hell, detuning edges was still a cutting edge development in the streets.

Those days are roughly two decades behind us now, but luckily Jeremy Jones filmed the ultimate how-to video back in 2005 to immortalize it all. At the time, he was filming some of the best footage with one of the best crews (cue any full-length from Mack Dawg Productions), so there was really no one better to put you on. This video just went live on Lost Snowboard Videos' YouTube channel, and acts as just the reminder we needed. Sure, we've come a long way from trick tips and how-to's, but that doesn't mean we don't miss them. We could probably clean up our back lips too.

00:00 Intro
03:06 Backside Boardslide
05:26 Frontside Boardslide
07:25 Frontside 50-50
09:32 Backside 50-50
11:00 Detuning
12:58 Slams
14:10 Frontside Lipslide
16:32 Backside Lipslide
18:12 Nosepress
19:32 Switch Nosepress
20:05 5-0
21:16 Switch 5-0
21:54 Outro
22:07 Credits