Torment Mag Issue SEVEN Release Party
The Depot, Salt Lake City, UT

There are a few things we’ve come to expect from these snowboard event recap articles. Scattered amongst project backstories, the who’s-who elbow rubbing, and not-spoiling but anticipatory and vague highlight splurge are small doses of inside jokes, industry gossip, and undoubtedly some story centralized on beer. Beer’s always in there. But not this time—at least for free. What about headphones?

The first 50 people who filed in were gifted a pleasant surprise from the gracious minds behind Skullcandy. I should clarify that I hope the first 50 people who showed up got their goodie bags. All I know is that I put the bags together. I was doing this during set-up, where not only our team and the venue’s team were all darting this-and-that way around the facility - hanging banners, setting up the merch booth, setting up the P.O.S. system, setting lights, moving screens, etc - but there were also the filmmakers - Colton [Feldman] behind The North Face’s blitz!, Bryden [Bowley] behind Salomon’s my clay angel, and Tim [Schiphorst] (and the entire crew) behind Transparent - dialing in A/V, Spencer [Schubert] dropping off the NFL Blitz arcade game, Reid [Smith] dropping off DJ equipment for Jonas [Harris], Des [Melancon] getting her S.T.A.Y. booth popped up, and ditto for the Lampshade brothas.

Needless to say there were a few distractions that affected the confidence in my goodie-bag count. But I did what I could, relinquished my 50-ish bags to Jon, or Ian, or someone, and went outside for some air. That turned into Matt saying he was going to the AirbnB for a second to let his dog out before the party. I thought to myself “A shower would be nice,” and Caleb thought the same so the three of us boogied home.
“Doors are at 6:30,” someone important said. “So make sure you’re back by 6.”

We were not, hence the hoping, the first 50 people who got their headphones. Fingers crossed. Coop and Hiro gave us hugs and let us in. At this point last year, we dashed downstairs to the green room because it was there and we could. But not this year. Torment’s green room privileges were revoked. Now if that was due to new managerial rigamarole or to our party in specific, we don’t know. But it wound up being a blessing. Instead of people constantly bopping back and forth from the rockstar dungeon, this year’s function had everyone splayed out and mingling in the crowd.

The first video was from the crew with no name, their collective debut, Transparent, created by Tim, starring Kas Lemmons, Ivika Jürgenson, Will Smith, and Dom Wagner. It started up and I realized that Will and Dom are the same Will and Dom I had just met earlier. I swear my head would float away if it weren’t attached to my big, fat heart. Anyway, these two, both notorious for back 180ing onto kink rails, are even better at back 180ing onto kink rails now. Speaking of kink rails, Ivika clearly didn’t get enough kinks in the Rome vid that dropped a couple weeks ago as she’s seen in this one just mowing through one after another. And Kas, sweet Kas and his magical eye. I would look more idiotic trying to explain the spots than I do using the term ‘kink rails’ as many times as I have in this last paragraph.

The second video to play was coincidentally the second video Bryden made this year (read: this month). His videography is developing so wonderfully right before our eyes, and this one, my clay angel, shows that he can helm a big-brand video flawlessly. The viewer’s penetrated by emotion, by a feeling you’ve felt and wish you could remember what you did to feel it so that you could feel it again. Esoteric enough for ya? Emma Crosby goes nuts and Louif’s [Paradis] in it too. What more do you need to know?

At this point, I feel like changing tense. Aaah, much better. The night feels alive. I find myself getting tied into delightful conversations. Usually these events lend way to talking to a thousand different people for five seconds each (I recall last year mentioning getting caught in the chain of hellos that can lead you all the way outside) but not this year, not for me at least. Sure, I’m seeing beaucoup friendly faces and it’s obviously great to see them, but it’s like everyone’s a little more…present. Maybe that’s what happens when you trade free beer for free headphones. A present for the present. Go figure.

Speaking of presents, it’s at this moment that Ian and Jon present the new mag. Or - is it still a mag? It’s a hardcover. It was already practically a book before that, too, but this issue seems to have every inclination of actually being one. I’m calling it Torment Book now, and I think it’s fantastic. So fantastic that I’m not going to say any more about it. I’m just going to let it dazzle and inspire me, and make me proud to be a snowboarder because without this community I’m surely a lot less than I am with it. I’d look into acquiring your own copy if you second that.

My bosses supplement their book with a video pairing, from what I gathered, that Ian and Jonah [Elston] helmed, Brock edited, and Torment hosted: Screwdriver. I anticipate Brown 2.0 and get what I want. Sammy’s [Rowse] jibbing, Ian’s jibbing, Nik’s jibbing. Pow’s getting chucked up. Nickatina’s slapping. Holy hell, this crew knows how to put a smile on your face and make it last. If MCA made me feel sentimental and demonstrative, and the book made me feel invigorated, then Screwj just makes me happy. Can’t imagine wanting to feel anything else. Except anticipation.

That’s when blitz! hits. Colton’s constructed a bit of a roller coaster with this one; like a cinematic (and acrobatic) game of cat-and-mouse, the riders - Blake Paul, Cole Navin, Kennedi Deck, Spencer Schubert, Austin Smith + cameos - the mice to Colt’s delicately tuned cat-eye. He stalks the stars from dreamy side-hits and side-country, and aesthetically sound spots, and through, as the movie moves on, to ballsy backcountry bedrock. Things ultimately culminate in some puzzling rails, the likes of which make you wonder just how far this game of cat-and-mouse can go. I for one won’t do too much wondering; I’ll just be here enjoying the sight of Cole in his tortured element.

blitz! is certainly a nice cap on the video front. Everyone’s excited. Perfect time for a raffle. Thanks to The North Face, Skullcandy, Ride, Salomon, and Nitro, many in attendance left not only excited but kitted out. And thanks to everyone who played the raffle, S.T.A.Y. can help more people get mentally kitted out. Shit gets rough out there. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. And don’t be afraid to ask someone if they want help. Also, you can be afraid of asking and still ask. But what do I know - I’m just a snowboard event recap article writer.

And as your trusty and gutsy snowboard event recap article writer, I’m cutting this one short. Not for any other reason than to give you more time. After all, you’ve got videos to watch and a big ol’ book to peruse. You might catch yourself thinking about your friends, and when you do, give them a call. Let them know they make you feel lucky, and let them know they make you proud.

Wow. Who knew a night could make you feel all that?
A million thanks again to The North Face and Skullcandy and Salomon and Ride, and a most tender thank you to this very publication for making a home in snowboarding for people like us. Until next time.

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Photogrpahy by: Wietse Thomas