Another year down, another Hillside project. As always, it's an annual prototyping retreat where we wish we could be a fly on the wall in Wolle Nyvelt's studio. This time around, we live vicariously through Louif Paradis and Harrison Gordon as they visit Wolle's hometown of Mayrhofen to shape some boards and memories. Beers, laughs, and, of course, prototyping new board shapes.
“Following Wolle around his zones is like having a magician show you the secrets to all of their tricks. With an enviable amount of experience and otherworldly skill, Wolle is easily one the best riders in the world. Not to mention his never-ending desire to find new terrain and land dope tricks. He is an unstoppable force. With Wolle at the helm of creating prototypes and new shapes for the Hillside Project, we are in the best hands possible.” – Harrison Gordon
Take me to authentic powder shapes
Featuring: Wolle Nyvelt, Harrison Gordon, and Louif Paradis
Filmed by: David Vladyka

Photography by: Julien Perly