We've been fans of Brady Lem's boarding ever since his Hyland days. If that era doesn't ring a bell, then it really only takes 30 seconds to see what we're talking about. All puns aside, Brady's easy going style seems to be one of the only consistencies from the last decade. From the Knowbuddy team to now (and beyond), Brady continues to navigate the unexpected that comes with filming video parts.
This free agent part is a subtle nod to the fact that you don't have to spiral when things don't go your way—two and a half minutes of heavy street clips act as a healthy alternative.
Featuring: Brady Lem
Filmed By: Sam Sosnowski, Erik Karl, Miles Perreault, Marcus Skin, Mike Heikkila, Ben Bilodeau, and Josh Manoles
Edited By: Colton Morgan

Photography By: Mike Heikkila