Boardslide Worldwide Heads to Hokkaido in “Arigato Bruh”

Until next time, as young great Matteo always says, Arigato Bruh!

Boardslide Worldwide Heads to Hokkaido in “Arigato Bruh”

Until next time, as young great Matteo always says, Arigato Bruh!

February 01, 2024
Words By Torment Staff Edits

Over the past few years, Austen's YouTube channel has grown into a vault of sorts. For one, you could spend a few hours going down a rabbit hole of old Boardslide Worldwide edits, taking you from Natural Selection to Rishiri, all the way down to Australia and Mt. Baker. A lot of different locations at your disposal, and now a pretty entertaining crew adds a new destination to that list: Hokkaido.

Austen Sweetin, Griffin Siebert, Matteo Soltane, and Cannon Cummins spent two weeks on Japan's second largest island, and between the soup curry, onigiri, and copious amounts of onsen, they managed to film it all.

Featuring: Austen Sweetin, Griffin Siebert, Matteo Soltane, and Cannon Cummins

Filmed and Edited by: Sean Lucey