Synergy is something we really appreciate at Torment. When it's achieved, everything seems to click. 12-hour days in unbearably cold temps become bearable, and the coveted clip count quickly takes a backseat to the company around you. We're not saying clips don't get filmed—they do, but they come effortlessly at the complement of your surroundings. That's an important distinction, and given that dynamic is what everyone's after on a trip, we're gonna throw a healthy dose of pragmatism in the pot and say that that's rarely the reality. There's almost always filming logistics and over-capacitied Airbnb's… for starters.
But, for the four from 686—Darrah, Forest, Riley, and Tommy—it's hard to think anything could've hindered their winter. Tommy was just welcomed onto the team, Colton was behind the lens, and those two factors alone usually play well. Rewatch Good Sport for a friendly reminder. After rewatching Darrah’s Self-Titled project and Forest’s I Wont Be Long, it’s clear everyone was on the same page for spot + trick selection. All the odds that can take a toll on a trip (especially an international one) went out the window, and the synergy was flowing like fine wine.
Directed by: Colton Feldman
Starring: Tommy Gesme, Riley Nickerson, Darrah Reid-McLean, and Forest Bailey

Don’t take the synergy spiel from us, though. When we heard who was heading to Norway for this project, it was clear someone else had to experience their teamwork firsthand. Hard to get outta the Torment HQ mid-winter, so we experienced it vicariously through Torment correspondent, Keenan Cawley. He tagged along for a week, and his presence in the van definitely contributed to all the magic.
What came of that trip was one of our favorite articles from Issue SIX. A fictional piece that’ll bring you to Norway, whether you expect it or not. Settle into a nice chair, read his words, and it’ll feel like you were there.