Once again, the time is now behind us to crown the best riders, footage, and videos in snowboarding. Voting for the Fourth Annual Torment Snow Globes went down back in mid-February, and we spent the past few weeks sifting through over 45,000 votes to understand who will go home with this year's globes. The past year saw no shortage of standout riding + footage, and that's probably why we received 20,000+ more votes than last year. To put that into perspective, votes almost doubled—and with that maybe geographically-based affinities and write-ins did as well...
So, after 45,000 votes were sifted through, we can't help but thank you for commemorating your favorite riders, video parts, and films of the past year. Your votes do not go unnoticed, even if you thought you were slick by submitting sham emails. A few standouts (no@no.com, fuck@gmail.com, spookyoldman@gmail.com, snowboardingsucks@gmail.com) left us amused, but our IT security team kept tabs on all of you that thought you could get away with using shit-related terms as your email prefix. Turns out the only way to make up for it is buy a mag.
Now, with cheating out of the equation, there's only one other thing to address. As always, if there's any far fetched conspiracy theories centered around biased decisions or favoritism afterwards, at least we know who to turn to.


1. Parker Szumowski (18.53%)
2. Jed Anderson (17.81%)
3. Jared Elston (12.82%)
4. Mikkel Bang (10.11%)
5. Blake Paul (9.08%)
6. Travis Rice (8.03%)
7. Scotty James (6.25%)
8. Nik Baden (4.55%)
Total Write-Ins (12.82%)

1. Mia Brookes (20.31%)
2. Zoi Sadowski-Synnott (17.61%)
3. Jill Perkins (12.51%)
4. Egan Wint (8.20%)
5. Grace Warner (8.18%)
6. Ylfa Rúnarsdóttir (6.57%)
7. Lolo Derminio (5.53%)
8. Kennedi Deck (4.89%)
9. Emma Crosby (3.88%)
10. Chloe Kim (3.76%)
11. Anna Gasser (3.24%)
12. Elena Hight (2.41%)
Total Write-Ins (2.91%)

1. Cannon Cummins (15.52%)
2. Mason Lemery (14.67%)
3. Taiga Hasegawa (14.55%)
4. Justin Phipps (8.70%)
5. Quin Ellul (8.43%)
6. Sam Anderson (7.48%)
7. Drake Warner (7.36%)
8. Luke Lund (7.16%)
9. Jesse Jarrett (5.73%)
10. Peter Croasdale (5.34%)
Total Write-Ins (5.07%)

1. Iris Pham (25.13%)
2. Cocomo Murase (22.04%)
3. Lolo Derminio (14.65%)
4. Hrund Hanna Thor (13.76%)
5. Jaylen Hanson (13.40%)
6. Veda Hallen (6.32%)
7. Sena Tomita(2.34%)
Total Write-Ins (2.36%)

1. Jed Anderson — Rated R (23.62%)
2. Forest Bailey — Atlas (12.58%)
3. Jared Elston — Knights of the Brown Table (12.02%)
4. Sebbe De Buck — Casino (9.80%)
5. Reid Smith — Rated R (8.58%)
6. Austen Sweetin — Sequencer (7.77%)
7. Parker Szumowski — Knights of the Brown Table & Bless the Ledge / Secret Tape (7.43%)
8. Nik Baden — Knights of the Brown Table (6.21%)
9. Ludvig Billtoft — Casino (4.78%)
10. John Jackson — Flying High Again (3.17%)
Total Write-Ins (4.05%)

1. Jill Perkins — Rated R (35.34%)
2. Ylfa Rúnarsdóttir — Blooom (17.80%)
3. Lolo Derminio — Buster (10.88%)
4. Henna Ikola — Melter 3 (9.55%)
5. Kennedi Deck — Dorothy (8.50%)
6. Savannah Shinske — Rated R (8.37%)
7. Emma Crosby — Dorothy (7.93%)
Total Write-Ins (1.63%)

1. Helsingin lumilautailijat — Melter 3 (26.58%)
2. Spotheads — It's Not A Phase Mom (20.31%)
3. Cooper Vosburg — Breaking Free (18.20%)
4. WOP — For Sale (16.55%)
5. Sensesse — Emotional Success (13.01%)
Total Write-Ins (5.35%)

1. 686 — Atlas (18.02%)
2. Dustbox — Needed You (12.33%)
3. Vans Snow — Bless the Ledge / Secret Tape (8.41%)
4. Torgeir Bergrem — Temple of the Dawg (7.98%)
5. Burton Snowboards — Blooom (7.49%)
6. Sebbe De Buck — Get Buck (7.25%)
7. Mikaela Kautzky and Abby Furrer — Life is Plastic (6.15%)
8. Paid Programming — Tuesday's Child (5.84%)
9. Jake Aaronson — East Bum Fucc (5.69%)
10. Brin Alexander — Stay High (5.25%)
11. Impaler Mag — Recycled Reality (4.91%)
12. Cal Aamodt — Buster (3.72%)
13. Bryden Bowley — Dorothy (2.48%)
14. Marco Morandi — Are You Okay (1.73%)
Total Write-Ins (2.75%)

1. Brown Cinema — Knights of the Brown Table (30.97%)
2. Ride Snowboards — Rated R (26.77%)
3. Beyond Medals. — Casino (17.40%)
4. Mt. Mtn — Clips to Chill/Relax to (10.47%)
5. Quiksilver — Sequencer (7.06%)
6. Stonp — Stonp Or Die (4.99%)
Total Write-Ins (2.34%)